OVARY LODGE - Ovary Lodge
(OG 600) Track listing: Gentle One Says Hello/Fragment No. 6/A Man Carrying A Drop Of Water On A Leaf Through A Thunderstorm/Communal Travel/Coda Keith Tippett (piano, harmonium, recorder, voice, maracas), Julie Tippetts (voice, sopranino recorder, er-hu), Harry Miller (bass), Frank Perry (percussion, voice, hs îao, sh éng). Recorded live at Nettlefold Hall, London SE27, 6 August 1975. Released: Autumn 1976. Produced by Ovary Lodge and Keith Beal. Sleeve design by Liz Walton. (Author's Note: The album credits explain that an "er-hu" [most commonly spelled without a hyphen as "erhu"] is a "two-stringed Chinese violin," a " hs îao" [modern spelling: "xiao"] is a "Chinese bamboo flute" and a " sh éng" is a "Chinese bamboo mouth organ.") This is the first entry on Ogun to involve Keith Tippett, beyond question the most important non-South African musician to be associated with the label. One coul...